Contact Our Events Team


  • Absolutely! Just let us know any specific dietary requirements at least a week before the event and we will arrange a suitable alternative.

  • Yes, we require at least 6 guests unless otherwise stated.

  • At our Essex location our maximum capacity is 16 guests.

    At our Canary Wharf location, our maximum capacity is 18 guests.

    At our Beaconsfield location, our maximum capacity is 16 guests.

  • Of course, if you have any specific requirements please get in touch and we can put a bespoke event package together for you.

    Or, if you would like to see our standard upgrades and drinks menus, click here.

  • Please contact us on either 0800 756 6805 or

    We will be as flexible as we can, depending on availability we can offer events between 9am-8pm